is a onlinesite for selling pre-owned luxury brand items. We sell bags, clothes, shoes, accessories, jewelry, and watches from luxury brands such as Chanel, Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Dior.
All items are guaranteed to be authentic. Our skilled appraisers buy from users in Japan.

Our headquarters is located in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan. 30 staff members operate our online store.
With over 10 years of experience in running an online store, we believe that trust in our items and services is the most important thing.

Most of our staff have graduated from a university or school specializing in fashion and are trained in product handling, sewing, styling, and maintenance.
We have also learned about the environmental and human rights issues surrounding mass-produced and mass-consumed fashion.

I believe that it would be wonderful to live in a world where truly good items produced with care are maintained and used for a long time, transcending time and changing owners.

Like you, we truly love the creation and history of fashion and have had positive and saved experiences by fashion.
All the items we sell are only what we think is good.

We hope that from our carefully selected list you will find a partner that will enrich your life and a statement piece that expresses who you are.

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