Item Delivery
After an order is placed, we confirm the order details, payment.
After confirming payment, we will ship the products from Japan within 1 to 3 business days. Our online store is open from 10:00 to 18:00 on weekdays in Japan.
If you no longer need items after you have placed your order, please contact us immediately. We will cancel the shipment and cancel your order.Shipped items cannot be returned.

Our shipping carrier is DHL. The customer cannot specify the shipping carrier. Shipping charges are depend on the destination area and in addition to the product price .
Shipping costs include delivery to the destination, insurance against loss or damage in transit, and direct delivery record costs. You do not change a contactless delivery service.
If you order multiple items and the total amount of the items exceeds 1,000,000 Japanese yen, we may have to separate the packages for delivery.

Orders with payment risks, orders for delivery to APO/FPO, and orders that cannot be delivered due to various reasons in the destination country will be cancelled at our discretion.
Product inventory is shared with other e-commerce sites that we operate. If an order is confirmed first on another e-commerce site, the order will be cancelled. Usually, when an order is confirmed on another e-commerce site, it will automatically appear sold out on this site within a few minutes.

Trade conditions for shipments outside Japan are in accordance with DAP (Incoterms 2020). Import duty fees, customs clearance fees, import VAT, and any other costs incurred at the delivery address are the responsibility of the customer.
Packages cannot be delivered as gifts or shipped for less than the order value.


Return of Items
We do not accept returns due to customer reasons such as wrong image, wrong size, wrong color, etc.

If there is major damage not described on the product page, please contact within 3 days of receipt of your order to let us know which item you wish to return and why.
The amount we will refund will be the price of the item and shipping charges paid at the time of order. We will not refund any customs duties or other fees incurred by you upon receipt of the merchandise, nor will we refund the shipping costs of returning the merchandise.
If the customer intentionally caused damage in order to return the item, no refund will be made.

Return procedure
1. please contact within 3 days of receipt of the merchandise to inform us of the merchandise you wish to return and the reason for the return. Our staff will review the details and reply within 3 business days.

2. Upon receiving notification of receipt of your return, return the merchandise within 5 days. Please return the merchandise with all accessories.

3. please prepare a commercial invoice and include it with your package. Please write "Returned Goods" in the name of the product.

4. Mark the outside of the package as "Reimported" and return it to the return address we will provide. Please ship the package in a traceable condition. Customers are responsible for all return shipping and customs clearance fees.

5. Please contact us with the tracking number of your package after shipment.

6. We will refund your money through shopify payment after we confirm the arrival of your package.

6. We will refund your money through shopify payment after we confirm the arrival of your package.